We are all in business to make a profit, but business should serve a greater need. Business can be profitable as well as honorable and noble. As business people we can make a difference in communities and individual lives. BNI Culture vs BNI Strategy The true...
As the incoming president of Manhattan BNI 7, I was trying to think of ways to help my chapter and remembered what BNI Assistant Director and former Manhattan BNI 7 president, Lauren Simpson said at a Leadership Training session about LinkedIn and using it as a tool...
Visitors bring business TO chapter members. They often need the services of one or more BNI members, who are already viewed with professional credibility by the members that the visitor meets. Ivan Misner stated that the value of visitors is one of the greatest...
by Dr. Ivan Misner Do you have goals for your business? Do you have marketing goals and sales goals? We all know that goals are important. The question is, how well do we apply that knowledge? If you don’t have any networking goals, you are, unfortunately, in...
by Bryan R. Adams One of the many special things about BNI 7 is that it is relatively easy to find a sub. Many folks want the opportunity to sit before 35+ networkers – because only good things happen in that kind of setting. But what good is it if your sub...
by Ivan Misner (from one of his podcasts) So I wanted to talk briefly about Contact Sphere and Power Teams, because they’re different, and we use both phrases. Contact spheres I spoke about for the first time in a book, The World’s Best Known Marketing...