(917) 748-7703 hello@manhattanbni11.com

Leadership Team

Todd Cymbol

Vice President
Cecile Caer

Norma-Jean Lopez

Alex Alexandrov
Matt Kesten

Visitor Hosts
David Drucker
Michelle Green

Helene Pangalos
Sabrina Ramos

Marketing & Roster
Rick Biolsi

Mentor Coordinator
Stephen Goldstein
Naomi Halpern

Revenue Coordinator
Michael Kanjo

Director Consultant
Todd Cymbol
(917) 748-7703

BNI Education

BNI’s Core Values – Will You Embrace Them?

We are all in business to make a profit, but business should serve a greater need. Business can be profitable as well as honorable and noble. As business people we can make a difference in communities and individual lives. BNI Culture vs BNI Strategy The true...

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Leveraging Social Media for Chapter Growth

As the incoming president of Manhattan BNI 7, I was trying to think of ways to help my chapter and remembered what BNI Assistant Director and former Manhattan BNI 7 president, Lauren Simpson said at a Leadership Training session about LinkedIn and using it as a tool...

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Manhattan BNI Visitors

Visitors bring business TO chapter members. They often need the services of one or more BNI members, who are already viewed with professional credibility by the members that the visitor meets. Ivan Misner stated that the value of visitors is one of the greatest...

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Memory Hooks – Help them work for you

"Memory Hooks" are short and concise so they can be easily recalled and easily spoken. - If you have to take a breath, it's too long. - If yours can't be remembered 2 minutes (or two weeks) after hearing it, it's too complicated. - If it has a "lead in" phrase it...

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I Refuse to Participate in a Recession!

by Ivan Misner Recession? So What! Many economic gurus are saying the "R" word - recession. For the most part, the U.S. economy has been strong and business has been good for the past decade. However, the economy goes through cycles. Even if we don't see a full-blown...

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The True Purpose Of Testimonials

by Dr. Ivan Misner In the early days of BNI, there was only a "referral" portion of the meeting. If you didn't have any referrals, then you wouldn't stand up and say anything. That all changed when one guy refused to stay silent. He said, "Well, I just want to talk...

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Strong Power Teams Lead to Strong Chapters

By J. Lance Mead The Professions That Are Good For You, Are Good For Your Chapter This week I would like to focus on Relationships and how we can use those productively in our building strong and vibrant "Power Teams" in our chapter environment. First, we all know or...

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Why Introverts Can Be Great Networkers

by Dr. Ivan Misner You don't have to be a people person to network; you just have to be willing to listen. A common assumption is that a "people person" is the best type of networker. But this isn't necessarily true. Actually, the only people who can't profit from...

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Networking Relationships – Relationships are critical!

by Bryan R. Adams RELATIONSHIPS with your networking group, or as we like to refer to as your 'Sales Staff' is key and critical to experiencing any type of regular and consistent success. RELATIONSHIPS are so important that it's critical that we work on them as often...

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Can Greed Be Good? You Bet…

by John Stossel Greed May Well Be the Most Powerful Win-Win Exchange We Have The wailing about "corporate greed" goes on endlessly. Protesters sneer at the "selfishness" of capitalism. From the press, we learn there are two worlds: the nonprofit one, where everything...

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The One-to-One – More than just a good time!

by Marc Silverman A One-to-One often times is misconceived by one of the parties. They view the One-to-One as merely a get-together to share food or drink and involve themselves in "Small Talk." Often it's viewed as a waste of time, not that they might be doing...

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Learn How to Ask For Referrals to Grow Your Business

by Joanna L. Krotz Marketing through referrals isn't just simple, it's cheap. The idea is to find new customers just by asking peers, associates and existing customers to recommend likely prospects for you to target. So what's the hitch? Few business owners actually...

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Managing Your Business Cards

by Ivan Misner Try these organizing tips for all of those business cards. Q: Can you give me some suggestions on managing the multitude of business cards I collect from people I meet at networking events? A: You've been diligent in attending networking functions -...

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Chapter Members

Oren Adler
Alex Alexandrov
Erin Andersen
Michael Altieri
Neha Bhalani
Rick Biolsi
Tony Borden
Cecile Caer
Todd Cymbol
David Drucker
Michael Farber
Eyal Golan
Stephen Goldstein
Michelle Green
Naomi Halpern
Michael Kanjo
Matthew Kesten
Orisha Lampkin
Elise Langsam
James Lombardo Jr.
Norma-Jean Lopez
Deb Miller
Neil Miller
Daniel O’Connor
Helene Pangalos
Todd Parker
Sweta Patel
Angel Pimentel
Cynthia Peacock
Miles Ramboyong
Sabrina Ramos
Lora Sappenfield
Patrick Sasso
John Serran0
Erin Silber
Dr. Susi Tortora
Anna Villa-Bager
Ilan Weiser
Ken Williams

Chapter Members

Oren Adler
Alex Alexandrov
Erin Andersen
Michael Altieri
Neha Bhalani
Rick Biolsi
Tony Borden
Cecile Caer
Todd Cymbol
David Drucker
Michael Farber
Eyal Golan
Stephen Goldstein
Michelle Green
Naomi Halpern
Michael Kanjo
Matthew Kesten
Orisha Lampkin
Elise Langsam
James Lombardo Jr.
Norma-Jean Lopez
Deb Miller
Neil Miller
Daniel O’Connor
Helene Pangalos
Todd Parker
Sweta Patel
Angel Pimentel
Cynthia Peacock
Miles Ramboyong
Sabrina Ramos
Lora Sappenfield
Patrick Sasso
John Serran0
Erin Silber
Dr. Susi Tortora
Anna Villa-Bager
Ilan Weiser
Ken Williams

Leadership Team

Todd Cymbol

Vice President
Cecile Caer

Norma-Jean Lopez

Alex Alexandrov
Matt Kesten

Visitor Hosts
David Drucker
Michelle Green

Helene Pangalos
Sabrina Ramos

Marketing & Roster
Rick Biolsi

Mentor Coordinator
Stephen Goldstein
Naomi Halpern

Revenue Coordinator
Michael Kanjo

Director Consultant
Todd Cymbol
(917) 748-7703